The product of marketing in my speech is education deposit 我营销的产品是“教育储蓄” 。
The education deposit is characterized by flexible term , controlled sum , favorable interest rate and tax - free interest . real - name system is required in handling the education deposit 教育储蓄有很多优势,它不仅存储方式灵活、计划性强,而且利率优惠、税收优惠。办理教育储蓄业务,实行实名制。
The education deposit is one of the time deposit of small savings for lump - sum withdrawal with the minimum initial amount of deposit of 50 rmb yuan and the maximum limit of total capital sum of 20 , 000 rmb yuan 凡在校四年级(含)以上学生,均可凭本人户口簿或居民身份证,到本行网点以本人姓名开立教育储蓄账户。